Medical Physics Institute

Medical Physics Institute (MPI) was approved by the AAPM Board of Directors in 2023 to improve the quality and safety of patient care in radiology and radiation oncology. It focuses on providing early assessment and direction when new technologies are developed. MPI plans to partner with imaging and radiotherapy equipment vendors, becoming an international resource for radiology and radiation oncology health care providers, regulatory agencies, funding agencies, and equipment vendors.

MPI will serve as a broker of medical physics consulting; advisory services for new technologies and solutions; technology assessment; early guidance on standardization of processes; semantic interoperability of products; and development of early guidance quality assurance processes for new treatment techniques.

MPI’s stakeholders include imaging and radiotherapy professional societies and their members, government agencies, radiological equipment vendors, educational institutions, and patients. It will also facilitate the submission of technology assessments and innovation grants as a consortium for AAPM members.